New playlist on my youtube channel dedicated to beginner tutorials to help you get started in the nail shop for a career in nail art. Easy to follow, full tutorials that focus on teaching new artists interesting in adding nail art to their portfolio in the nail industry for inexpensive ways to make extra money, earn more clients and have fun while you work!
I have tried for 2 months to upload this and did not have the strength. I felt if I didn't do it today, I would give up entirely. My one request is for you to please read, share them with those who TRULY want to learn and are scared or new...I want to be the safe place that new artists come to learn with love and acceptance. I promise to do my best and grow with you, so please ask questions and say #inspiredbyrobinmoses when you copy so I can teach and share always. I love and miss you guys
get the #basicnailart skills you need to create any design for pennies. Find me here and get brushes for nail art worldwide at create for all of my full length 1,400 tutorials that I have done throughout my 28 year nail art career!
inexpensive and fun to learn nail art for beginners
cut brushes for nail art for free or get them at
learn to paint nail art cheap and easy! beginners welcome! join and say #inspiredbyrobinmoses if you copy!
Fall Nails 2018! Newly updated Nail art playlist full of nails for autumn! #nailart2018 #fall2018 #fallnailart2018 #autumnnails2018 #fallnails #autumnnails
Biggest and best full length nail art tutorials for fall! Start practicing and keep rewinding to get them perfect~! Don't give up and don't let anyone knock you down, you got this! Join me. Get brushes worldwide at join my communities and ask questions. Our nail art sisterhood is friendly and fun. I can't have it any other way! Please give me credit if you copy by hashtagging #inspiredbyrobinmoses every time you share one of my designs!
Horror film nails galore! Over 100 full length nail art tutorials for scary movie fans! Please share and get brushes worldwide at