Here is an alice in wonderland, or 'alice through the looking glass' nail design tutorial that is complete. over 15 minutes and as much detail as i could pack in there. here you will learn to paint faces, account for size ratios, color combinations while perfecting roses AND cherry blossoms. i think tim burtons idea of interweaving these mainstays together in this palette was so inspiring i HAD to paint it again. here is the first one.
Alice in Wonderland Nail Art Design Tutorial
in this alice in wonderland nail tutorial i go more into detail about how to get it to look as much as helena bonham carter as possible and focused on pattern more than color. to me they are equally cool but this design is much harder as the faces as so tiny they fit on a pencils eraser.

When I first started youtube, I had put up some old designs I did to showcase my work before I could begin trying to learn to film. this design was 'stolen' immediately by a big youtuber and i realized that i would have to do this for the love of art, not for the love of some people. the last cheshire cat you see i did in 2004. both simple and beautiful, i can see why she was stolen. now, i let all of my art be taken for free in exchange for saying 'inspired by robin moses' because the alice nails being taken hurt me. i saw that art was to inspire not hurt and i began my journey. i felt i had to say that if you feel your art is taken a lot. mine is too. i understand but i go on because i love teaching, i love what you guys show me and i love my job and i want to give THAT as a way to show you its more then being "popular" and having your polish "cute", its about self discovery, challenges, overcoming the fear of not being good enough and maintaining self confidence at the lowest of times. if i didnt continue with youtube, i could never have met all of you guys and never helped so many all over the world. for that, i say thank you to every step of this journey and see you back through the looking glass!
The Nail ARt Wizard Ph.D