Showing posts with label best nail art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best nail art. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2018

AMAZING Blue Flower Nail Art that POPS | NEW Spring Nails 2018 Design Tu...

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Up today is the BEST nail art for a new spring! It works for winter and goes into warmer weather with grace and elegance and that makes it so unique and amazing! The blue flowers pop off of the nail in a 3d way and its completely hand painted! It is a technique you CAN achieve with practice! Rewind and follow with me. My brushes are all you really need to help you be on the same page as me, but any inexpensive polish works, any cheap acrylic craft paint works and any glitters and gems that you feel comfortable with works! Its all up to YOU and I am here to help. I answer questions on upload days and want YOUR success. I want to help others with no mentors and want to learn because I had no one to help me. The industry does not embrace this art fully at this time and I need you to help me form a foundation because clients want us!!! CLIENTS WANT US BADLY!!! SO KEEP PRACTICING AND DONT GIVE UP!!!! You can do it and I won't quit if you dont! Spread the word to any artist you know who wants to learn handpainted nail art and lets show them what love and sisterhood means!!!! I love you guys!

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)

p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always sharing who inspires you. 
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my tutorials!!!!
Robin Moses Instagram:
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Robin Moses Blog:

 #bluenails #bestnailart #nailartists #springnails2018

Friday, February 23, 2018

Best Spring Nails ever! | A bouquet of Flowers Nail Art 2018

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Nail Art brushes worldwide here:

Hello everyone! I am beginning to understand my path and what I provide
to new artists beginning in the nail industry and all of the ups and
downs that come with being new, not knowing where you stand and how to
make a living and have fun while creating art that is uniquely yours and
keeps you on time. I did THE FILL and THE ART in 1.5 hours. I wanted to
make sure you knew that my fill was 45 and nail art 45. The taping was
extra time spend, but worthwhile I think. I will erase all nasty
opinions. I am elevating new artists so they can create an aesthetic in
high fashion magazines and other avenues where nail art is an
afterthought, overlooked and mocked. I spent most of my career
embarrassed to say what I did and never felt proud. I sat in a corner,
unaware of what I could bring. Unaware of my addition to an industry and
what COULD happen but never did for me. I want that for the next
generation. They deserve to be credited. They deserve to be booked and
serve their art on jobs all over the world with the highest fashion
designers in our industry. I dreamed of working with them my whole life.
I got a small chance. I am going to tell my story, but it doesn't have
to be yours. You CAN have it all and create from your highest level of
energy always. Monique Lhuillier is the inspiration of this beautiful
design and one I wished I could have done for this photo shoot. For an
alternative outfit as an extra splash of this loveliness. For one accent
nail or across the tips but MORE all encompassing beauty that never
stops bursting with creativity. This design costed pennies to do. I want
so badly to show you that even in small, deserted shops where you think
you will never make it, you can THRIVE. You can be a star and a fashion
designer in a shop by yourself and love every minute of your career
that pays your bills and don't let anyone take that from you. Dream big
and listen close. Sending love :D Please share this and its message.
Let's be the change we want to see because art is a true path to
personal freedom and one that never stops evolving throughout a lifetime
of ups and downs. tag me #inspiredbyrobinmoses if you try them and want me to see! @robinmosesnailart on instagram.

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
#springnails2018 #bestnailart #howtopaintnails #springnails2018 #spring2018 #springtrends
 Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Lady Gaga Nails" "nail art" "Artpop" "Artpop Nails" "best nails in the world" "most amazing nails" "nail art portraits" "nail art tutorials" "nail art designs" "best nail art ever" "amazing nail art" "gaga nail art" "custom nail design" "artpop"

Lady Gaga "Artpop" nail art up for monday! Please go to and show her there! I would love love love to give this set to her OR her people to give to one of her fans. All my love... :D


For other tutorials on portraits, click here: Best Nail Art in the World!


Best nail art in the world Jenna marbles "The go away face"
 Lisa Cimorelli Portrait for her birthday.
 Marilyn Monroe Nail Art
 Michael Franti Nail art (HE POSTED PICS BEFORE ME!) I love you Michael!!!
 Petrilude Nail Art....My first portrait I ever did for Youtube. An amazing Beauty.
 Ray William Johnson Nail art. He called this: "Fucking badass"
 Shane Dawson Nail Art. My first "like" by a huge Youtube personality. I didnt understand Youtubes power and love until he said he liked it and I got 1,700 emails in less than one minute.
 Skrillex Nail Art. Sonny never accepted this nail and so one of my viewers said she would give me a kidney for it. I hedged my bets and thought it was a good deal! To my viewer who owes me a kidney....I WILL BE COLLECTING :)
 Mr. Kaka Nail Art. I never heard from him.
 Team Jacob Nail art. I love the viewers of twilight and all they learned from my tutorials. I got tons of people who never thought they could paint try this, show me and amaze themselves and me with this tutorial. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
 The Uncluded Nail art. Aesop Rock and Kimya Dawson. I was lucky enough to have this design make it to one of their videos. You can see them sing to it by searching "the uncluded scissorhands" on Youtube.
Here is the wizard of oz nails I did that was going to be a collaboration I was invited to join in on and then no on showed up. I never felt more sad, more alone, hated, etc.....But, I didnt give up and here are MY wizard of oz nail tutorial for everyone to have for forever and I am proud of them and everyone who has tried them and learned from my work.

I love my viewers and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Playlist of the best Nail Art in the World!

Friday, November 18, 2011