Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Nail Art Brush Care Guide 2 | The Spell for Nail Art Wizard Brushes

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained."
Marie Curie

I read this today and decided it fit perfectly here. This is a second video on brush care and info. Please tell me if it helps you more or solves questions you had before. I grow as you do. I learn as you do. I KNEW what i wanted in a brush from over 20 years of having bad brushes sold to me. I worked with 3 brush companies until I found a nice person who really cared. I keep them simple so I can charge as little as I can and still have the most quality brushes for US to paint together with the same tool so you can get the basics down and say AHHHHH...Once you do, you can use a hair out of your head and make it 'passable' lol....but to truly learn and feel the movement, you need one tool. I was speaking at the University of Oregon about art and social media and said that I have one gift above all others. That gift is that I can take ONE brush and ONE bottle of black paint and go anywhere in the world and make a living without knowing a language or without knowing a soul. THAT is what perseverance gives you. FREEDOM...freedom from anyone owning you. Freedom from any company who says you won't succeed if you dont have ________. It's a lie. I am here to be the change I want to see the world. I want the truth. I want companies who care and who connect with ME, not my wallet. Not my free time. Not my free art for them to steal. I am here to guide you so that you can make the industry better for ME. The industry I wished I grew up with. I am here for that. I am tearful writing this because I am limited as one person. But, I hope that one person reads this and does a few simple things to do BETTER for themselves and we all are lifted. I love you guys. I hope this tutorial helps you clean, store, have fun with and keep your nail art brushes with you forever. Keep them. When I am dead they will be worth money. ...That's how our world works today. heheheheheheh Have a wonderful day!

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D
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Nail Art brushes at world wide.

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Monday, February 5, 2018

NEW Valentine's Day Nail Art 2018 | 5 Design Ideas for hand painted Nails!

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NEW. Valentine's Day Nail Art 2018, here is 5 new designs hot off of my
desk to practice for Valentine's Day! New, unique, Hand painted,
inexpensive and always evolving FORWARD! Put your spin on them and
personalize them even further to fit YOU while having fun making one of a
kind designs for pennies. Have fun. Laugh and make someone else feel
beautiful this year while raising the vibrations of our hearts and minds
while we CREATE! In this design, I have two different pinks (your pick
your two favorite light and dark pinks, im not brand exclusive...any
beautiful pink will work!)The Pinkies are dipped in hearts and lined in
sexy black drips done in a new way! Then I have some of the older, Black
lace hearts with a broken central black heart taken from a 2012
design!, the middle nail are covered in melting hearts that I evolved
from the drippin' in finesse video and will keep working with this idea
but today I use the drip as the actual heart! Its so fun and easy to
paint, you have to try this!! The Pointer finger is the one i was so
happy i got to do on Juicy! My first valentine no water marble roses
that I havent done on film since (2011?) but back then no one wanted to
learn yet and the camera quality is bad but im so excited to see what
you guys do with it now!!! Lastly, I did a dark pink chevron with black
heart filigree laced throughout the tip...OMG so beautiful and new for
my channel.
I have decided to begin anew and will be making some face videos
catching you up on my journey. I have been looking very hard and deeply
for a path and I feel it is coming into my vision and it feels so
awesome. I cant wait to really paint again and have my heart into
teaching...So please stay tuned and please please TAG ME if you try them
so I can see them! put #inspiredbyrobinmoses
where you enter your photo and I will be able to find them no matter
where they are on instagram and other platforms. I can also google
inspiredbyrobinmoses and see it all! So please show me. I do all of this
so i can see what you do and where you take our industry. Please spread
the word and say woopwoop IF YOU READ THIS! HAHA!!!!! i LOVE YOU GUYS
and hope you love valentine's day nails for 2018 !!! Have fun painting
your nails!

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)

(Find me to do this in the links below and JOIN ME!!!)

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 #nails #nailart #valentinesdaynails #nails2018 #valentinesday2018 #valentinesdaynails2018,
 #pinkheartnails #laceheartnails

Friday, February 2, 2018

Help Name this Nail Art REQUEST 2018 | Anti Valentine's Day Nail Art!

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Please read! Up today is a REQUEST! It is my first anti valentine's day
nail art design for 2018!! Its a hear no evil, speak no evil and see no
evil set beside black and red hearts. We couldnt decide whether to name
it valentine scream queens, luv skullz. LOL There were so many names but
if you check the dark playlist, you will find it there. It is valentine
but I think it will fit better there! I loved loved loved painting this
and thank Jenn for suggesting it! I kept lots of footage in and hope
you like it. Please share this. I know it will be a design that is lost
forever without you and id love to see it get painted! Join me! use any
colors you wish for this design and remember thinner acrylic paint, the
better for this design! Have a great time painting your nails!

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)

p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tiffany Blue Nails with Hanging Flower Garden Nail Art Design Tutorial

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Hello! Up today is a beautiful holo tiffany blue with hanging gardens of white flowers, perfect Valentine's day nails for if you don't want traditional, but you love romance. This is a romantic design and the colors merged with the floral design pattern of black and white make it so romantic and perfect to wear jewelry with. You could use diamond rhinestones or opalescent stones to make this design pop too if you wanted to invest in extras! For me, I will always keep it somewhat simple and inexpensive so those wishing to know the basics can learn! I love doing these types of designs, where colors can be the mood to fit occasions and the design is an enhancement to a perfect set of nails polished perfectly! Please tag me #inspiredbyrobinmoses if you try them on instagram so I can see and as always, my brushes are stocked and available worldwide at the link above!

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)

(Find me to do this in the links below and JOIN ME!!!)

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Monday, January 29, 2018

Red Hot Lava Heart Nails! Valentine's Day Nail Art Design Tutorial 2018

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Read WISDOM below if you have problems with Valentine clients.
Some clients HATE hearts....They wont wear anything pink, red and fluffy....This client wont even model for me here unless I take off the design and repaint her before she leaves. She would rather wear NOTHING than heart nails...
So, I decided to film the truth. I said to her..."I have the most beautiful Valentine's nail design ever, PLEASE let me film you!" ----MOST WOULD KILL FOR THAT, RIGHT? lol.....and she said ......................"Dude......NO!"
So, what do you do?
In the world of being (or wanting to become) a nail tech, this IS what REALLY happens!!! EVEN TO ME! Don't let it bother you or let others fool you. When you are new and in a shop, this happens over and over and over. You think it might be you-- or that they hate your painting. But, you will remember THIS and say ah! omg, robin was right!!!! and have SOLUTIONS...because IT ISNT YOU. In the shop, racing against the clock and making clients happy takes center stage. Perfect days full clients just waiting in line patiently to wear what everyone else did 5 years ago is a lie.
I WISH it were true.
It's so fun to paint but its not requested ENOUGH to pay your bills!!! So, you must BEND..... Here, I make hearts wearable and UNIQUE for my client while staying on time.. A holo silver and red glitter bomb with black hearts in acrylic craft paint for a darker kick....Its done for pennies. She is happy and doesnt want to kill me. That is my job so I WIN!! HA! This is perfect for HER.... heart lava!!!! ...This isnt anti-valentines day but anti REGULAR! You cannot mess up this design either. It is made to look imperfect and you can be yourself,  have fun with your clients while on time!  I try my best to give you the TRUTH and paint the designs my clients REALLY WEAR out of the shop. These designs have saved me in my career and continue to evolve....DONT GO BACKWARDS.  I bring these techniques and information to you, not stolen or pretending like its NEW or easy ! But to help you, to fill your minds with the thirst to want MORE.... for those who HEAR me and use the experience I am sharing so you can become extremely successful. BE the trend, don't steal it or buy it from me or ANYONE ....... We are mothers, sisters, daughters, sages......We should be sharing and growing and evolving and embracing each other...Each year I see more theft, more posing the same designs with better cameras and less truth LOL ......We need truth to learn. Without truth, clients will be unhappy and our jobs suffer......So those reading say "hail to the naw" so I know I didn't waste my time typing this. LOL.... All those who hear me and do their best will become the B

EST nail artists because you can bend your mind to make clients happy and lift your sisters who help you. IF I HELP YOU, LIFT ME and see me help more and see our industry THRIVE.....Steal and lie and see our industry suffer and be made fun of.
I do what I do because I LOVE the next generation of nail techs and if you can get my words to anyone willing to learn the essentials , Please do. It will make the world nicer and we can continue to have fun painting nails! Keeping it real and full of truth and magic. Wizard out.

Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)

TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your work and I will continue to look and see them!

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