Saturday, November 26, 2011



  1. I shared this on my page: INPIRED BY YOU of course. Or well, your name and link is plastered all over it so there's no mistaking it. LOL!!! I would love to participate. And being a college grad, we know all there is to know about stealing the intellectual property of others aka: PLAGIARISM. I like to give credit where credit is due. I'm sure it is irritating to be "stolen" from. But just remind yourself that if someone can steal something from you then it was never yours to begin with. And nobody can steal the heart, soul and mind that makes you the unique and talented individual that you are. Always imitated, never duplicated, right?? :) Keep up the awesome work Robin. You have fans out here loving every moment of it. And btw...I'm not a huge art guru but I am a big fan of surreal paintings. I have my own collection of Dali prints and I'm dying to get my hands on prints done by Jack Kevorkian. Weird, I know, but he really is a fantastic painter. He may have some controversial ideas on healthcare in some people's views but he is a very talented artist. If you have never seen his work, you should Google it for sure ("Jack Kevorkian Art")Laughably, he sells prints from inside prison walls. My favorite one is titled "Nearer my God to Thee" and it's just striking! Anyway, back to my point, I like these somewhat gloomy, dark surreal(hope I'm not mis-categorizing your art)paintings that you have in this video, is there somewhere I can check these out or purchase? Longest. Comment. Ever. Sorry. :)

  2. yes. ...what i am doing is asking people who watch me to do the right thing. these little children of mine, these fingernail paintings i am sharing/this medium of which i am giving away for free (and i could easily make 100 books for 10-50 dollars each) i decided i WANTED to give it for free in exchange for my name being that, i want to start a fire where people are responsible for saying what inspired them. i will leave this earth being stolen from, hacked apart, given away, mixed and mangled but hopefully i am remembered for giving, teaching and making people do the right thing and achieving my goals..and you are right.nothing i own is mine...not even this flesh im renting right now, but if someone gets in the way of my goal in an underhanded way, i am prepared for battle. i give it all--what i ask for in return is free and that will be the way of the has to be.
    how will anyone or anything ever grow without word of mouth now...especially if it is immediately stolen by gigantic companies or gigantic superstars etc? it absolutely has to happen and it has to happen MORE so fresh things are found and shared.....:D i am off to look at kevorkian paintings :) *hugeeee hug*

    the paintings behind me are part of my first collection entitled "amaranth". they are not up for view yet, but once they are i am very excited to tell their tales..the world is so fast paced and ADD that i have to keep doing this and building my bases with nails and teaching so that i will have enough attention to truly jump over and become a fine artist and hopefully will catch enough attention to do it as full time as possible (although i will probably always make youtubes for girls) i will NEVER make this goal without people passing my name out...and...i have waited far far far too long........but, i want to show my art soon...they are being registered now like my nail art but it takes a bit longer and it is more expensive to do.....dark is a good term....those are the kinder ones behind me here :) i am excited to hear what you think of the collection..i want a full college grad critique someday! :D:D:D:D there...i think i gave you an equally huge response! maybe huger....i ramble :D xoxo my love to you

  3. That was so well said. And yes, from the moment I laid eyes on your work I knew you were an amazing artist and that somewhere there was something much bigger and better than just fingernails. I can't wait to follow where you go with this. :) You have amazing talent!!!

  4. patricia.....thank you :D i am so happy you are following! i am very excited as well...and KJ....i get fishy back every once in awhile for all of the pain she puts me through on videos....LOLOLOL...:D thats what she gets for barking all the time when i hit "record" :D
