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Easter is early this year and so I come in under the wire for you to get
your bright neon tie dye nail art on and SHINE! Spring is here and
everything is blooming. This design is so fun, easy and NO ONE can do
the same design, so it is all yours! Please show me, thank me and shout
me out if you try them by hash-tagging me @robinmosesnailart #inspiredbyrobinmoses!!!
It is right to do, gets our names out and helps US grow as a community.
Hand painted nail art has been hard in our industry. I still don't
really fit in, but it is getting so much more fun and seeing our
community grow gives me the joy I was missing for so many years of my
career. Seeing your work inspires me to teach you more of my techniques
for your success, but I need your support. So help me help you. Even if
its finding an idea on a day you aren't feeling artistic!! We are
pioneers of free hand nail art!!! Each time you try this tie-dye design,
you learn how to control your brushes more and more. You gain speed
which allows you to get more clients and make more money without
spending tons of money on products you don't need. I send this off with
hope that you are reading this and if you have any questions ask them on
the day I upload designs. I answer all I can in the comment section!!! I
love you guys and want your success so bad and I want success of this
type of art and I want success in knowing I helped all I could with
someone struggling and made it a bit easier for them. Let's keep it
alive and thriving!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
(Find me to do this in the links below and JOIN ME!!!)
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Friday, March 30, 2018
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Neon Daisy Nails 2! | Spring 2018 Nail Art Design Tutorial
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Up new today is a Neon Daisy nail design done with a technique that
never keeps your imagination down for long. Whenever you need an idea or
a beginning for a design, this is a great place to start. Neon pink and
Neon yellow polish jellies and black accent leaves and thin neon green
stripes on black french tips finish this design! Please share and if you
copy, please say 'inspired by robin moses' and help me find artists who
want to learn hand painted nail art all over the world. I want to
create better shops and help others with little money do nail designs
for less. This design is inexpensive and fun to learn and can bring your
clients so much happiness and allow you to work at a career that will
support you. Other designs cost so much for gems and special lights etc.
This takes craft paint and patience. This design has been done for over
20 years and its still as new as the day I created it. I give it to you
and wish you for success in nail art, love of nail art and peace while
learning. DON'T GIVE UP!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
Get My Nail Art brushes here!
Up new today is a Neon Daisy nail design done with a technique that
never keeps your imagination down for long. Whenever you need an idea or
a beginning for a design, this is a great place to start. Neon pink and
Neon yellow polish jellies and black accent leaves and thin neon green
stripes on black french tips finish this design! Please share and if you
copy, please say 'inspired by robin moses' and help me find artists who
want to learn hand painted nail art all over the world. I want to
create better shops and help others with little money do nail designs
for less. This design is inexpensive and fun to learn and can bring your
clients so much happiness and allow you to work at a career that will
support you. Other designs cost so much for gems and special lights etc.
This takes craft paint and patience. This design has been done for over
20 years and its still as new as the day I created it. I give it to you
and wish you for success in nail art, love of nail art and peace while
learning. DON'T GIVE UP!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Cherry Blossom Nails 2018 | Black and Red Matte flower Nail Art Design
Subscribe to my channel here:
Get My Nail Art brushes here (worldwide) #nailartbrushes
(ATTN: I will be deleting my @facebook if changes arent made to the platform. If you use facebook and are deleting too you can join me on instagram: @robinmosesnailart and here on @youtube where I answer questions and can engage the best way possible at this time. And with that.....Up NEW for today is a fast and fun matte black with red cherry blossom flower design done in colors that arent traditional but that pop and are so beautiful to wear, paint and have fun with! Done for pennies, my nail art tutorials are made for those starting out and need to get skills doing extras for clients so they can make money and forward their careers to the next level. These nail designs are also for nail techs who have had an entire career doing various nail art techniques and just need ideas to keep them going through busy times or when they need inspiration. I promote sharing. I promote free nail art to those who want to practice. I provide decades of experience doing 1000's of clients who have allowed me to take my skills to the top of the industry and prove that nail art done for hardly any money at all is highly desired and never goes out of style. We live in a world of trends and quickly made products that cost so much money. You dont need them to be successful. Your success is in YOU and I am here to help you get started so please spread the word!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Get My Nail Art brushes here (worldwide) #nailartbrushes
(ATTN: I will be deleting my @facebook if changes arent made to the platform. If you use facebook and are deleting too you can join me on instagram: @robinmosesnailart and here on @youtube where I answer questions and can engage the best way possible at this time. And with that.....Up NEW for today is a fast and fun matte black with red cherry blossom flower design done in colors that arent traditional but that pop and are so beautiful to wear, paint and have fun with! Done for pennies, my nail art tutorials are made for those starting out and need to get skills doing extras for clients so they can make money and forward their careers to the next level. These nail designs are also for nail techs who have had an entire career doing various nail art techniques and just need ideas to keep them going through busy times or when they need inspiration. I promote sharing. I promote free nail art to those who want to practice. I provide decades of experience doing 1000's of clients who have allowed me to take my skills to the top of the industry and prove that nail art done for hardly any money at all is highly desired and never goes out of style. We live in a world of trends and quickly made products that cost so much money. You dont need them to be successful. Your success is in YOU and I am here to help you get started so please spread the word!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Friday, March 23, 2018
Picasso Nails 2018 | Neon Abstract Picasso Nail Art Design Tutorial Best yet!
Up NEW for Friday!!! Picasso Nails on Black Matte! SUBSCRIBE here:
BRUSHES here: (My Worldwide Shopify Store online)
#nails #nailart #springnails #spring #spring2018 #nailtrends #nailartist #naildesign #nailvideos #picassonailart #picasso #nailtrends2018 #abstractnails #neonnails #springnails2018 !!
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Lips and eyes and Neon OH MY! Up NEW is my Neon Picasso Nail Art design
#5 for 2018. I have done this design four other times. Search robin
moses picasso to see the others and see how many directions you can take
this. Please say #inspiredbyrobinmoses
if you copy and share this tutorial. My goal is to get good artists in
every shop with the tools they need to do any design inexpensively and
quickly so they can make more money, relax and have more fun and create a
family of clientele that assures a wonderful career in our industry. No
one ever offered that help to me and for my entire career people have
asked where they can get art done like this and I have had to turn them
away. Please know that this art takes patience and practice but YOU CAN
DO IT. Its just steps and rewinding. I have all the hard work done for
you and it is up to you to perfect this nail art and you will never have
to worry. Your art will be in demand and no matter what trends happen,
you are prepared and have extras that glam up, glitter up, jazz up, make
elegant or throw down the most fierce diva nails you can think up. I
want that for you...Please spread the word, there are tons of nail shops
and enough clients to be busy forever. I love you guys and need your
help because without you, this art will die and be lost and that makes
me sad because its so much fun and has afforded me a life I never
dreamed of and its allowed me to become one of the best in my field and
meet so many beautiful people in every area of my life. Until next
time!!!! Have fun painting your nails!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
ENTER GIVEAWAYS: #robinmosesnailart or #sisterhoodofnailart #sisterhoodofnailart #inspiredbyrobinmoses
(Find me to do this in the links below and JOIN ME!!!)
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
World Map Nails | Planet Earth Nail Art Design Tutorial
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Hello! I am keeping this simple today. I have for you today a world map.
its painted cute with little no water marbled clouds done over the top
for a 3d effect for a super simple and fun design for any time of the
year. It will be in my cute playlist and be honest, i
need you to share. facebook and instagram has cut my earnings to nothing
and i cant go on this way. if you want to learn more, please share as
much as possible right now or i will have to close my accounts here. it
is important. I love you guys.
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
ENTER GIVEAWAYS: #robinmosesnailart or #sisterhoodofnailart #sisterhoodofnailart #inspiredbyrobinmoses
(Find me to do this in the links below and JOIN ME!!!)
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Get My Nail Art brushes here:
Hello! I am keeping this simple today. I have for you today a world map.
its painted cute with little no water marbled clouds done over the top
for a 3d effect for a super simple and fun design for any time of the
year. It will be in my cute playlist and be honest, i
need you to share. facebook and instagram has cut my earnings to nothing
and i cant go on this way. if you want to learn more, please share as
much as possible right now or i will have to close my accounts here. it
is important. I love you guys.
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
ENTER GIVEAWAYS: #robinmosesnailart or #sisterhoodofnailart #sisterhoodofnailart #inspiredbyrobinmoses
(Find me to do this in the links below and JOIN ME!!!)
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Monday, March 19, 2018
CUTE Spring Honey Bee Nails 2018! | Bumblebee 3d Drip Nail Art Design
Join my Instagram for updates and ideas every day with new uploaded videos and remember older designs you forget about!
Up for Monday! 3d Honey drips dripping down off of a french manicure and
sprinkled with bumblebees! You can do this with gel or polish
(technique in video) and create this wonderful spring honey bee design
for 2018 that is so cute and fun! I do detailed videos that say a lot,
but teach so much and will make you faster, more confident your nails
will last and have peace of mind knowing your clients will be happen. I
have seen many designs online that are gorgeous but I know they simply
cannot last. They are for a night out, not for long term designs from a
shop. If you are having problems and your clients arent growing, this is
why so please spread the word...I count on your guys and you MUST watch
and learn through technique description ....I do this for free for YOUR
Subscribe here:
Get My Nail Art brushes HERE!
we need to fill our shops with good techs. I need you to get these to
those who need to learn most because its through YOU that i find new
artists who want to learn. Artists who could help you some day. You
never know when you will need time off and you want to have great and
friendly nail artists around you to take over so you can get the time
off you deserve. This takes collaboration, trust and friendship. Our
industry does not promote this and I paid huge prices and could only
take off 5 days to have my daughter! Clients are hard to keep and my
teaching is from the heart and helps with your success long term. NO one
can take these skills and wisdom from you once you work to achieve them
and its through practice and patience. Dont believe the hype of videos
that arent in depth or are promoting products more than they are
teaching. It cant get you to the top of your game. I hope you have a
wonderful day, spring is coming and I feel awesome, so get your
paintbrushes ready!!!!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Up for Monday! 3d Honey drips dripping down off of a french manicure and
sprinkled with bumblebees! You can do this with gel or polish
(technique in video) and create this wonderful spring honey bee design
for 2018 that is so cute and fun! I do detailed videos that say a lot,
but teach so much and will make you faster, more confident your nails
will last and have peace of mind knowing your clients will be happen. I
have seen many designs online that are gorgeous but I know they simply
cannot last. They are for a night out, not for long term designs from a
shop. If you are having problems and your clients arent growing, this is
why so please spread the word...I count on your guys and you MUST watch
and learn through technique description ....I do this for free for YOUR
Subscribe here:
Get My Nail Art brushes HERE!
we need to fill our shops with good techs. I need you to get these to
those who need to learn most because its through YOU that i find new
artists who want to learn. Artists who could help you some day. You
never know when you will need time off and you want to have great and
friendly nail artists around you to take over so you can get the time
off you deserve. This takes collaboration, trust and friendship. Our
industry does not promote this and I paid huge prices and could only
take off 5 days to have my daughter! Clients are hard to keep and my
teaching is from the heart and helps with your success long term. NO one
can take these skills and wisdom from you once you work to achieve them
and its through practice and patience. Dont believe the hype of videos
that arent in depth or are promoting products more than they are
teaching. It cant get you to the top of your game. I hope you have a
wonderful day, spring is coming and I feel awesome, so get your
paintbrushes ready!!!!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Friday, March 16, 2018
SXSW Nails in Black and Gold Granite | Faux Marble Nail Art Design
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(worldwide shipping!)
Up for Friday, SXSW Nail Art in Black Granite Designed for Juicy! Done to match her Faux
marbled business cards with magic gold veins and sparkle, this diva
design is fast and easy with lasting quality and 'grab your hand'
amazing. This nail design can be for beginners with short nails or for
long term professional nail techs who have struggled with products and
applications that cost tons of money. I have done this design here for
pennies using wetnwild black polish and gold acrylic craft store paint
with holo gold and regular gold glitters. I have 2 stamping plates with
fingerprints on them and I don't know which I used and the other 2 nails
were very exact and I didn't know if you would like to see that in
tutorial. In the past, no one watched them so I figured why edit them if
no one wants to learn. I want you guys to tell me exactly what you want
to learn. I am listening and ready but because my channel has been up
so long I need to hear it from you, my viewers. Hand painted nail art
has come a long way from when I started on youtube and what used to be
scary for lots of artists is now something that is accepted and fun but I
am not sure what 'that' is so I need your help. Please also share this
video with artists you know want to learn a million techniques for all
types of nail clients, friends and family and who want to make a career
out of this lost art. Don't be fooled, you don't have to have lots of
products to have the best nails that last the longest, you just need
patience and practice! Try this faux marble nail art design in Black and
gold and create your own super shiny granite look for short or long
nails! Show me if you try them and know I am rooting for your success!!!
Let's fill shops all over the world with great nail techs and lift an
industry that needs good work and will pay for it!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)

p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
White Wedding Nails 2018 | Elegant Bride French Tip Nail Art Design and more
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Hello! I didnt know where to put this design so I show it today. It is a
nail striping tutorial using a french white tip, white striping and
silver chrome pigment polka dots to substitute the mirror chrome for
gems or crystals. You can do this nail design for weddings or any
formal, elegant event. The best thing about this design is that it goes
with everything. Stripes keep you going because even those who are
scared of too much nail art will try stripes. This design is perfect as
an accent nail or with jewels put on it, but I wanted to show you
elegance doesnt have to cost a fortune. I beg you all to share your
favorite designs and paint stripes with me! Without your sharing, I
cannot do this...So share and have fun! This is the kind of tutorial I
love and it can be made with any color combo!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
p.s. Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always
sharing who inspires you.
Here is how:
TAG ME: #Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs.
Robin Moses Instagram:
My Facebook Page:
My Pinterest:
Robin Moses Blog:
wedding nail art playlist full of ideas and full tutorials for wedding nails
#weddingnails #weddings2018 #weddingideas2018 #weddingnailart #bridenails

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