Friday, March 18, 2011

ROBIN MOSES' ARTWORK ON CANVAS, NAILS MAGAZINE April, 2011 (and documented proof of licenses dating back to 1989)

my art made it into nails magazine. the article was so beautifully edited and wonderful to see.

of course, as soon as it shows, someone starts a vicious rumor about me trying to swindle all REAL NAIL TECHS WITH MY SWARTHY UNDERHANDED HORRIBLE SELF that i am!!!! hahahaah
so below are pictures to ensure you that i have been licensed forever and would never have the energy or the time to sit around and illegally make nail art videos so i can pass them off for real....when it only takes 500 hours (TOPS) to get a license....i have dedicated more hours to my videos than that in the last 4 months........however, the trolls troll, thats what they do.

here are pictures to "nip"<--hahah----- all gossip in the bud :)

too funny! :):) love and light!

"diva nails" "metal nails" "nail art" "pink glitter nails" "red rose nails" "snow white nails" "disney nails" "black and red roses" "black roses" "

hello!!!!! new nail art up!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

amazing things in 3's or 4's...if 4 is your thing ;) . just something i want to ramble about.

i am still not used to having a

i have had so many awesome responses and wonderful people coming into my life and it makes me wish i would have had the courage to start this sooner. trying to learn the internet and youtube has proven to be--fantastically frusterating! hahahahah...but, hopefully my videos will be getting better and better...i want to say a few things today.......

i will be featured in NAILS magazine in April for my artwork. nails magazine has always been kind to me. many times it was i who was not ready for them, but they have always supported my art and my journey. i <3 nails magazine. the article will feature my paintings in april, but also i will have designs in both the june and july editions of the magazine as well. i am very excited to begin filming my art and adding that chapter into my youtube channel....i really cant wait to show my paintings and talk about them in more detail.

also....i am so very excited to be working with the maker of "the best glue ever" exclusively. she is not paying me, but instead....we are just working together to create the best system ever for foiling on nails and branch it out to fit the needs of those who want to follow my system of nail art........ for years (decades) i have been AVIDLY looking for her glue and she has spent years creating upon meeting her, needless to say......i was absolutely thrilled and overwhelmed at the fact that SHE EXISTS!!!!! AND i CAN FINALLY create what i have never been able to create before. words cannot express how much energy i have put into finding the perfect application for foiling and i believe it will revolutionize how we perceive nail art. anyone you see foiling and taking credit, please tag me in there somewhere...i encourage all art, but i want my name in there!!!!----- that all young girls who want to learn will be led to the SOURCE is very important to me. i have spent a lifetime doing nail art so that someday i could teach to young girls. i am very serious about that. my aim is to teach those who do not have a lot of money a craft that will serve them throughout their lives. i am not here to pose in front of my art and scream about how awesome i am, i just want to be the biggest nail art teacher in the world. that is my goal and i believe if i am given credit, the great artists will have more than enough viewers and as a teacher, i will have reached the planes i have set out to reach. i need your help in making this happen and i know the people i am attracting are making that happen :)

thank you.....(which leads to my next 2 wonderful things)

this was written about me...........and it made me so happy that i had to share it.

first..i have a FAN CLUB IN GREECE!!!!! now---- how cool is that?!?!?! people of my blog from everywhere and greece, check this out!!!!!/home.php?sk=group_201417083211382

i have a sneaking suspicion i will retire in greece, so to see this made by Xristina T. made me so happy :) thank you xristina so so so much :)

and this::::i read this today :):)

J.N. Just became FB friends w/ Robin Moses. She is THE shining star of YouTube nail artists.
She's super casual & not pretentious, though she has the right to be.
Plus, she did a set of Shane Dawson & a set of Petrilude nails which made me get all kinds of fan girl crazy.
Please check her out. I dare you to doubt her awesomeness.
The video started my obsession:

now i know there have been more things that others have added me to, and i would love to add them but i am just learning how to do that stuff now!!!, that is why this is my first post on it...if you have cool links about my art or where you have seen it, i would love to see, so copy and paste it in the comments and i will try and add it here and make this a thread of awesomeness that is leading me to my goals......much love and thanks......i am humbled and so grateful to you guys.......i will make as much high quality art as much as i can as long as i can and i hope you have as much fun watching as i have making it :)

my love.

Monday, March 14, 2011

"funky fresh flowers for spring" "funky floral nail art" "butterfly nail art" "beautiful butterfly nails" "long nail art"

okay...there is the picture with the link that optimum, or do you like the youtubes on there as well? keep me posted and have a wonderful monday! pass these everywhere you think anyone will love them! xoxoxoxo

Friday, March 11, 2011

st patrick nails, st. patrick day nails, st. patricks day nail art, st. patricks day pin up, pin up girl nail, pin-up nail, pin-up girl nail, sexy girl nail, rainbow nail with shamrock, shamrock nails, lucky charm nails, lucky charms, luck charm nail art, kimya dawson lucky charm,

of course as always these designs are on my youtube! please leave me a message on my youtube page if you like having the video here or not..i think it seems easier to keep them all over at youtube and the pictures here :) thoughts!?!?!?!?

the best foil glue ever. problems solved!!!!

here is the glue you need when you are doing nail art using eyeshadows, pigments (same thing) or foiling. eyeshadow in nail art i have been doing since 1997 and have used 50 different glues to try and get good results. this is the best glue i have used for the job so far. it is at and i love it. if i find a better glue to use eyeshadow for nail art, i will tell you so subscribe to my channel on youtube, robinmosesnailart and start shadowing your nails to match your eyeshadow to your nails!

as you know, foil glue has been horrible to find in other countries. i have tested 20 glues in the past 2 months or so and TIME AND AGAIN they cracked and pulled or didnt dry and ..........FINALLY I HAVE FOUND THE UNICORN!!!!!!!! its called "the best glue ever" and it certainly holds the foils, the glitters, the pigments and everything you need it to hold in place so you can make the most badass nail art ever. please get it and learn my art and share my art and tell everyone about my art!!!! i need YOU to help me get my art out all over the, finding this glue is going to help a lot, but i still need you guys to give me SHOUT OUTS all you can! much much love and happy foiling!!!!!!!


please watch how this glue was made and it makes me that much more excited!

Monday, March 7, 2011

"st. patrick nail art" "st. patrick nails" "shamrock nail art" "shamrock nail design" "shamrock nail" "pot o gold design" "naked man nail art" "clover glam inaz pigment"

"making nail art eternal" "painting portraits on nails" "fingernail portraits" "petrilude portrait" "petrilude nail" "petrilude nail art"

in December of 1996, one of my most wonderful clients lost her husband and son (who was off to play pro basketball) to an underage drunk driver. They were both very dear to me. with that being said, she asked me to paint their portraits on her fingers as a reminder of was almost too much to bear and a turning point in MY life....but i did it through many tears. (three weeks came and went) and we just could not take them off. so started my journey in how to save nails that were too important to just wipe away. before that, others would just RIP them off and save them and we would laugh when someone would bite a favorite nail off and say "im keeping this!" Hester's was different. i wanted to give her all i could to make her help her find solace....but still, 15 years later, i write this with tears. i began saving art for my clients because of her ---and to this day i will never forget the day i knew i wanted to put my heart into saving some of my art for special things. Hester's strength and support in stop DUI has allowed me to become strong and believe in what i do. i know it is non-traditional, i know this is not something i do every day,  but it is beautiful and dear to many people and so i am showing the world.  i love you hester.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

is it okay if i copy robins work?

hello nail art army!!!!! as you know i am new to youtube but experienced in nail art. i would like to briefly say something that i would love for you guys to read that has been on my mind. that is what blogs are for right??? hahahahahah!!!

when i decided to put up my nail art and document my life, MANY people said: "robin, why would you give your art away? that is so wrong! that is so stupid! that is so dumb! etc.

BUT..............i believe this. MOST PEOPLE ARE GOOD.  i am giving my art to you. i want to teach young people who want to learn and older people who wanted to learn but didnt have time, people interested but cant afford to take classes etc.........i want to give that, and in return........i want them/YOU/everyone watching....... to give my name out. and if you see nails out there of someone copying my work and not giving my name out, i want you guys to go behind them and say "you got that from youtubes".......not in a bad way...(as i am giving it to them,) but in a way that just allows others to say...ah, who is and they are led to my sight.......that does not take away from another persons art, but leaves us BOTH winners...........MOST IMPORTANTLY.....if we do it that way, my art isnt watered down and lost in this sea of designs and people wanting to learn wont get lost and never learn.... must have a source...and if you guys do that for me, i will become a solid name and source for people who want to learn.... and when i do become a source of teaching, that will lead me to my dream-----which is to just teach online ALWAYS and paint paintings for galleries that are shown all over the world. it is very important to me and i believe it will happen.

thats why i am doing this. i got 10 messages this week asking WHY i am doing this.....and i believe it is a new give completely....what comes back in return is so many wonderful people have made me believe i am 100%, i thought i would share.....that is what a blog is for i think....but since i am new to blogging...that is what MY blog is for at least :) hahahahahaha

much love, pass my name, link my name to things you see of mine NOT linked to my name and enjoy my art and have fun and learn and enjoy the creations you manifest for yourself and others :)

love and respect,

Friday, March 4, 2011

doing nails with eyeshadow, nail art with eyeshadow, using mac eyeshadow for nail art, matte nail art with eyeshadow, MARCH FORTH "ed hardy nail art" "skull nail art" "white flower nail art" "grape nail art" "vinyard nail art" "red roses nail art design"

 here, i used eyeshadow in the white flowers design. it is a red eyeshadow for nail art by inaz called crimson can use any pigment (eyeshadow) you want for nail art that matches your nails to your eyes for those special occasions! please subscribe to my channel for many nail art eyeshadow designs. i post every mon, wed and friday!

here is a skull design with roses and snakes. a medusa nail art design, a grape nail art design that is perfect to do when you go to wineries and want cute grape leaf nails...also, there is a special tutorial with gradient pigments and glitter with white flowers i did special for to march forth into this year :)